6 series

Rasmus Bagger is the ultimate king of mental coaching of riders. He has worked with some of the best riders in the World. In this series he teaches us how to develop into mentally better riders.

In this series, we follow up on our first series with Fit4you and take a step further with exercises on extended level.

Train your horse supple all over the body with veterinarian and horse chiropractor Charlotte Beck. In this series she shows some simple stretching exercises that everyone can do.

In this series, Lene Theill from Fit4you goes over a series of training exercises that are especially good for riders.

Pole training and cavaletti for all equipages, no matter your discipline. Boost your basics in a different way with riding master and former Danish National Pony team coach Lars Terkildsen.

In this series, you’ll get pearls of wisdom from Andreas Schou, one of the greatest showjumping riders in Denmark.