
Watch Ride Better TV

Annual subscription

SAVE 45 EUR! With this subscription you have acces all year round and most value for money. Cancel anytime with no term of notice. Auto-renewal annually.

99.00  / year

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3 months subscription

SAVE: This way you get Ride Better TV for less than the monthly subscription. Auto-renewal every 3 months. No term of notice - cancel anytime.

33.00  every 3 months

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6 months subscription

SAVE 17 EUR! Full acces for 6 months and more value for money. Auto-renewal every 6th month. Cancel anytime with no term of notice.

55.00  every 6 months

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Monthly subscription

If you prefere monthly payment! Auto-renewal every month. Cancel anytime with no term of notice.

12.00  / month

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Gift card 1 month

Coupon code with 1 month full acces to Ride Better TV. You can send it to yourself or a friend.
Attention Hotmail users: check your spam folder in case you don't get it right away - automatic e-mails tend to end up there.


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Gift card 3 months

Coupon code with 3 months full acces to Ride Better TV. You can send it to yourself or a friend.
Attention Hotmail users: check your spam folder in case you don't get it right away - automatic e-mails tend to end up there.


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Gift card 6 months

Coupon code with 6 months full acces to Ride Better TV. You can send it to yourself or a friend.
Attention Hotmail users: check your spam folder in case you don't get it right away - automatic e-mails tend to end up there.


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Gift card 1 year

Coupon code with one year full acces to Ride Better TV. You can send it to yourself or a friend.
Attention Hotmail users: check your spam folder in case you don't get it right away - automatic e-mails tend to end up there.


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Subtitles & how to activate gift cards

Subtitles: Many of the videos are in Danish - to watch with English subtitles simply press the CC in the video player and choose "English".
Gift cards: After buying a gift card you will receive an e-mail with a link to activate it. You don't have acces until you have activated the gift card and this has to be done within a year from buying it. If you have Hotmail please check your spam, since Hotmail tend to put automatic e-mails in spam.

Payment and refund

It is not possible to refund your payment since you receive your product immediately. All subsriptions renew automatically, but you can cancel your subscription any time before next payment with no term of notice.
Remember to always update your credit card information in case of new card, loss e.g.
Gift cards are not subscriptions and the acces will stop after the end of the period.